Network of Women-Leaders in Local Self-Government

Why is gender equality important? Because it is about equal rights and opportunities for all: both women and men. It is about partnership and respect for each other. It is about an attitude to an individual, irrespective of a certain gender. It is about focus on the person`s professionalism, without stereotype of "female" or "male" professions. A society, where the principle of gender equality is sustained, is fee of prejudice and obstracles for anyone in achieving her or his goals. In this regard, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved the State Social Program on Providing Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men till 2021. The promotion of gender equality is also a key component of the Swiss Cooperation Strategy for Ukraine 2015 - 2018. 

Equal participation of women and men in decision-making plays a significant role in the implementation of local self-government and territorial organization of power reform in Ukraine. Women, together and in partnership with men, become the driving force behind the changes related to decentralization. 

In order to expand opportunities for developing leadership potential of women in the amalgamated territorial communities, DESPRO project has started to create the Network of Women-Leaders in Local Self-Government.

Specifically, DESPRO holds series of trainings for women-representatives of local self-government: heads, officials and starostas of amalgamated territorial communities. During "Women-Leaders in Local Self-Government" trainings participants have the opportunity to master effective communication techniques, develop teamwork skills, learn the basics of negotiation practices with the particular emphasis on introducing changes at the local level.

Join the "Women-Leaders in Local Self-Government Facebook group" and follow the news on this topic at DESPRO web-site.
