09:08 | 07.07.2011

DESPRO management team and experts disseminate knowledge and experience re solving the problems of territorial communities to Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

On 5 July and due to invitation of Oblast Council, Oksana Garnets, Project Senior Coordinator in Ukraine, Yuriy Hanushchak, Project Expert and representatives of Tulchynsky rayon Vinnytsya Oblast partner community participated in a round table “Actual Problems of Oblast Territorial Communities and Ways of Their Solutions” that took place in Dnipropetrovsk.

Representatives of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast civil society, local self-government bodies as well as experts in the sphere of public projects’ implementation were invited to took part in a round.

Organizers’ goal was to encourage Dnipropetrovsk Oblast communities to implement socio-economic projects, to create a favorable environment for cooperation with donors and to establish a platform for knowledge and experience exchange in the sphere of project implementation.

During the round table, representatives of Swiss-Ukrainian project provided the information on decentralized models of service provision and representatives of Suvorivske village (Tulchynsky rayon, Vinnytsya Oblast) reinforced the report with best practices and lessons learned. 

Besides, presentation of National Competition in the sphere of media publication “Uniting the Community!” which is initiated by DESPRO in cooperation with Creative Association “Slavuta” took place.

Discussion was followed by practical training on developing the project proposals, which was conducted by Viktor Odynytsya.

Короткая ссылка на новость: http://despro.org.ua/~W4EQo