07:15 | 21.10.2011

Public Servants of Lugansk Oblast Get Acquainted with Knowledge Management

18th through 20th October post graduate courses for the Union of young and perspective public servants of Lugansk Oblast took place in Lugansk. The event was supported by DESPRO in cooperation with the Department of State Service based on Lugansk Centre of post graduate education.

 Professor Valentyn Rach and docent Olena Medvedyeva, scientists of Eastern Ukrainian National University named after Volodymyr Dal, discussed with the course’s participants a number of issues regarding the practicing of knowledge management on the level of local power in Ukraine. 

 Conditions for knowledge economy establishing and development, essence of “knowledge” category, content and phases of individual knowledge management, contemporary models of national regional innovative systems’ development, benefits of communities’ practices were considered. Special attention was paid to communication and knowledge management tools in a communication space.   

 The participants also worked through several business cases, i.e.: “Transferring the implicit knowledge into explicit (formation of organizational memory)”, “Assessing the organizational culture of government from the point of view of knowledge management”, “Assessing the official document as an instrument for knowledge sharing”. 

 The discussion revealed the issue of public servants norms and standards, which does not promote will for new knowledge and serve for low information and technical base of power. However, the participants agreed that knowledge management practicing in government will facilitate changes and, first of all, unload public servants on their working places.   

Короткая ссылка на новость: http://despro.org.ua/~r7qgd