09:27 | 30.11.2011

Knowledge Management Training and Exposure Visit

Knowledge Management Training and Exposure Visit took place to Switzerland on November 20-26. The Visit was organized by Skat and aimed at the key stakeholders and DESPRO project partners involved into the developing and supporting the Knowledge Management System for decentralization and local governance in Ukraine: representatives of State Agency of Civil Service, Office of the President of Ukraine, Foundation on the Local Self-Governance Support, Members of the Parliament and faculty of academic institutions of Ukraine participated in the Training and Exposure Visit.

The Visit started with a comprehensive 2-day training workshop during which the participants were introduced to the Swiss political and administrative system, decentralization and federalism; local services and infrastructure from an administrative and legal perspective; KM in the light of federalism. The following issues were discussed in detail: challenges and opportunities of KM application in the public administration, flows of information within the administration (vertically / horizontally; between administration and the politicians; to the residents and to other administrations); KM processes: planning, implementation, operation and evaluation (such as experience of SDC and Regiosuisse case-study). During the group work the participants brainstormed about the different tools and approaches already in place in their institutions, and what could be additionally applied in their institutional context.  

The Workshop was followed by visits to selected Swiss organizations (Swiss Federal Archives; Knowledge Centre and Project Management in the Ministry for Defence, Civil Protection, and Sport; IDHEAP Lausanne – Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration; Office for Municipalities/Canton Administration of Bern) to learn from best experiences and discuss particular examples of the KM processes integration into the working practices.

A wrap-up workshop was also organized by Skat at the end of the training and exposure visit whereby participants could reflect on the major impressions and how they will use the lessons learned in their working environment as well as in the further implementation of DESPRO project activities.

Короткая ссылка на новость: http://despro.org.ua/~UbQ5B