10:07 | 13.04.2012

Memorandum with the Council of Europe

Swiss-Ukrainian Project “Decentralization Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO) and Council of Europe Program “Strengthening Local Democracy and Support of Local Self-Government Reforms in Ukraine” have signed Memorandum on Partnership and Cooperation.
On 5the April 2012 Swiss-Ukrainian Project “Decentralization Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO) and Council of Europe Program “Strengthening Local Democracy and Support of Local Self-Government Reforms in Ukraine” have signed Memorandum on Partnership and Cooperation.
Having signed Memorandum, Mrs. Oksana Garnets, DESPRO Project Senior Coordinator in Ukraine and Mrs. Olena Lytvynenko, European Council Program Manager agreed on cooperation in the sphere of decentralization and local self-government, inter-municipal cooperation and regional policy as well as on coordination of the efforts and initiatives on national and regional levels aimed at strengthening and achieving the goals and objectives due to following:
·       conducting quarterly coordination meetings and discussions;
·       promoting the strengthening of institutional structure/forums related to dialogues on policy issues and planning in cooperation with national partners and stakeholders;
·       participating in and supporting each other’s events (conferences, round tables, public discussions) both due to expert and technical assistance;
·       ensuring adequate transparency and recognizing the contribution of each Party while conducting the joint activities;
·       joint developing of the analytical documents, information materials, manuals, booklets, etc.;
·       conducting information and outreach events and ensuring other technical support when necessary;
·       participating in monitoring missions and meetings of Steering Committee.
Короткая ссылка на новость: http://despro.org.ua/~PnRw7