15:53 | 15.04.2015

With the help of DESPRO press services of the oblast’ state administrations and regional TV companies met with the state leaders and experts in Supreme Rada

April 15, Kiev, Supreme Rada of Ukraine. Representatives of the oblast’ state administrations and regional TV companies met the state leaders - Supreme Rada speaker V.Groisman, vice-premier minister of the regional development, construction and housing and communal economy H.Zubko, deputy head of the President’s Admiiatration V.Kovalchuk, and also leading Ukrainian experts on decentralization. The meeting became possible due to the financial support of the Swiss-Ukrainian project “Decentralization Support in Ukraine” DESPRO.

The main goals of the event were creating incentives for the press-services of the state administrations and state TV staff to be knowledgeable and active promoters of the reform in the society, enhancing feedback on the permanent basis, increasing their professional level.  

The meeting was held in the format of discussion panel, moderated by the well-known TV journalist Anna Bezulyk. 

In his greeting V.Groisman highlighted the importance of information component for the success of reforms, especially such a vital reform as decentralization.

«When we ask people whether they are for decentralization, usually we hear “yes” for an answer. However not everyone is aware that without this fundamental reform not a single branch reform of positive changes in the economy are possible” – he argued. 

In his speech the Supreme Rada speaker quoted some convincing facts related to reform steps, demonstrating  its first successes, specifically, the increase in the local budgets’ resources by almost 40 mlrd. UAH.

Talking to the guests attending the meeting H.Zubko expressed his wish to have their support in implementing steps that will ensure success of decentralization

Both V.Groisman and H.Zubko in their speeches underlined the importance and timeliness of communities’ joint efforts as a topic to be covered and discussed at current stage.

Relating to this, the Minister of the regional development, said, in particular: “Amalgamation of the communities should be based on three principles: voluntariness, efficiency, financial capacity. Each community is different, and each of them has its unique advantages and potential for development”.  

The issue raised many questions, especially as far as the local newly elected self-governments’ capacity to deal with challenges and additional responsibilities and authorities. 

Answering the question the Supreme Rada speaker V.Groisman said: “Election of”right” local leaders is the duty and responsibility of local communities exclusively. Our task is securing the system, under which the community itself will be able to correct a mistake, using legislative mechanisms”.

The second part of the meeting, with presentations by experts, who had provided  substantiation for the reform, attracted at least as much interest as the state leaders’ speeches. Yu.Hanushchak, the director of the Institute of the development of the territories, presented new principles of the budgets’ formation. A.Tkachuk, director on research issues of the Institute of civil society described the principles and norms of the formation and operation of the new communities.

An entire range of questions triggered by presentations, as well as discussions that followed, testified to the timeliness and relevance of the information.

Yu.Hanushchak aptly wrapped up the meeting: “Don not remain indifferent! Your commitment, discussions, awareness are of more valued than the most perfect mechanisms for the implementation of the reforms, regardless of their complexity”.

Swiss-Ukrainian DESPRO project will be fully supportive in the improvement of the information component of the decentralization.  


Короткая ссылка на новость: http://despro.org.ua/~8kRzU