11:14 | 11.04.2016

Representatives of the DESPRO Project Introduced the Decentralisation and Self-Government to Ukrainian Teachers

On 9-10 April 2016, the largest-scale event in the field of Ukrainian and global school education was held in Kharkiv - the EdCamp international (non)conference. More than 500 teachers from Ukrainian schools from all Oblasts (regions) of Ukraine took part in the event. To become a participant of the EdCamp, each teacher had to provide arguments that he or she was the best and the most ambitious expert in the education sector in his/ her region. The sponsors called the event as a (non)conference attempting to move away from traditional formats, and it was held interactively to the maximum extent possible. Approximately 70 experts from various countries communicated with representatives of Ukrainian education and shared their experience of successful initiatives and projects. The DESPRO took part in the EdCamp as experts who by lecturing and holding open discussions and debates provided the educators with exhaustive information about the priorities of decentralisation of power and local self-government development. Ms. Olena Sas, the DESPRO expert, communicated with the audience. During active communication with Olena, the teachers obtained information on the importance of education sector in the course of the reform, as well as understood the importance of their active role in the decentralisation processes and in the establishment of modern efficient principles of providing quality education to pupils. The experts communicating with the teachers included world-known philosopher and educator Oscar Brenifier (France), trainer on non-violent communication Eva Rambala (Hungary), educator Kim Civic (USA), and other professionals from the global education community.
Короткая ссылка на новость: http://despro.org.ua/~LFftj