16:00 | 20.03.2017

DESPRO Expert visited one of the Kiev schools with an eco-lesson

Since 2010, the Swiss-Ukrainian project DESPRO has supported pilot projects in the field of solid waste management in several regions of Ukraine. But this time Vyacheslav Sorokovskyy, Project expert, took on an unusual role: he was invited to conduct a lesson for schoolchildren of the specialized school No. 40 in Kyiv. Tatyana Zavoyska, a public activist, initiated that meeting. 

“The proposal to give a class for schoolchildren was absolutely unexpected for me, because in DESPRO project I usually work with an adult audience: government officials, representatives of local self-government, and residents of urban and rural communities. I even hesitated for a while, but curiosity and willingness to support this useful initiative prevailed,” - shared his impressions Vyacheslav Sorokovskyy


The events that took place in the 2nd grade at Kiev school No. 40 can be called an exciting interactive communication rather than a school lesson. Within 45 minutes the children were able to discuss with the expert all basic rules for handling solid waste, to find out how they differ from the general waste collection, and to learn about the Swiss experience in solving the problem of solid waste. 

In addition, the schoolchildren played the game “Sort it!” with great enthusiasm, as it allowed them to learn from their own experience that waste sorting into different fractions can both save the environment and use the appropriate materials in secondary industry. 


“I was pleasantly surprised that the children were knowledgeable on the issue waste sorting. The schoolchildren know that batteries and bulbs should be disposed in a special way, and vegetable waste can be composted”, - said Vyacheslav Sorokovskyy


The event has left a lot of positive emotions and pleasant experiences behind it, both in children and adults, and it has undoubtedly proved that it is possible to start forming the environmental awareness even in childhood, using innovative approaches and methods that can capture the interest of schoolchildren and awaken a genuine curiosity in them.

Короткая ссылка на новость: http://despro.org.ua/~n2X4U