13:48 | 29.11.2019

The ІІ session of "Women-leaders of local self-government" training was held in Kyiv

The ІІ session of "Women-leaders of local self-government" training was concluded in Kyiv on November, 28th, 2019.

The three working days of the II session brought the participants closer together to learn and share their professional experience. To continue with the study program, the participants have worked together with tutors on start-ups and projects, financial management, gender policies, communications, community cohesion and conflict resolving.

The community of active women-leaders of local self-government is now joined by 25 more graduates of the training. DESPRO is looking forward to good governance practices put to action in communities, represented by the participants!

Короткая ссылка на новость: http://despro.org.ua/~oeyGd