13:35 | 04.02.2020

UPD Regional Municipal Waste Management Planning: How to Balance Interests? Seminar by DESPRO Experts

UPDATE The Recycling and Waste Expo Ukraine was officially postponed due to COVID-19 security measures. DESPRO team is working on event formats to organize the seminar. Updates will be posted on our website and Facebook page, as well as shared with registered participants via e-mail.

On April 1st, DESPRO experts Dmitry Laznenko and Viacheslav Sorokovskyi, as well as the Director of Vinnytsia Regional Development Agency Natalia Hyzhko, will share their experience supporting the development of Vinnytsia Regional Waste Management Plan at a seminar, organized under the umbrella of the Recycling and Waste Expo Ukraine RWExpo.

The seminar will cover matters of

determining key indicators for a Regional Plan
analysing the technical potential for decreasing the use of waste repositories
defining clusters for Vinnytsia region - territories of optimal reach of quality services and infrastructure solutions for effective and potentially profitable system of waste management
opportunities for inter-municipal cooperation in waste management.
The seminar will serve as a presentation of the Vinnytsia Regional Waste Management Plan and a discussion base for regional plans in Ukraine and solutions they convey.

The registration for the seminar is open: please, fill in the registration form to participate.

Короткая ссылка на новость: http://despro.org.ua/~RDRGX