13:58 | 21.01.2020

The ABC Book for Amalgamated Communities Released by Graduates of DESPRO Local Self-Governance School

For graduates of the DESPRO Local Self-Governance School common activities are not over after receiving diplomas. The 16 "young specialists of local self-government" group participants with curators Vira Kozina, Lesia Fedchenko, and DESPRO expert Maryna Bryl have published a book "Aflame Transition. Caution!" or "The ABC of Simple Explanations on Complicated Issues".

The humoristic, yet informative, book plot follows the journey of a granny, who, jointly with a decentralization superhero, finds all about the local self-government reform in Ukraine, and starts to understand the principles of the reform and opportunities for local development at hand. The publication is targeted towards everyone who wants to understand the reform that is still undergoing in Ukraine, in a simple language.


or The ABC of Simple Explanations on Complicated Issues

*ATC is also the abbreviation for "Amalgamated Territorial Community"

The Ukrainian version of the book is available for download in DESPRO media library. Printed versions will be available at DESPRO events.

Короткая ссылка на новость: http://despro.org.ua/~Dad2Y