12:51 | 10.07.2020

Rusty Water: Problems of Access to Safe Water in Ukrainian Villages

"824 villages and settlements in Ukraine do not have their own water source and use delivered water. If the state does not intervene, they are doomed to extinction. 4 out of 5 of these problematic settlements are located either in Dnipropetrovsk, or Zaporizhia, or Mykolaiv, or Odessa regions. All of them simply have no water, or it has been declared unusable"

The 2-part article on the problems with the availability of drinking water in communities, and how they are solved, is published (in Ukrainian) on the Decentralization portal. Click on the respective photos to access part 1 and part 2.

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"Providing safe water and sanitation play an important role in protecting human health during all outbreaks of infectious diseases, including the current outbreak of COVID-19" (UNICEF, March 2020)

Expert view on this problem is available in the analytical paper "Equal Access to Water for All: Will the Government Consider Ukrainians who Still Only Have Water Delivered?" by DESPRO expert Viacheslav Sorokovskiy (in Ukrainian).

Короткая ссылка на новость: http://despro.org.ua/~EWkgM